Kimberley Inspired Gyotaku Artworks

Take home a story from the Kimberley, Western Australia.

Capturing a moment in time

Drawing inspiration from the iconic creatures in the Kimberley region, Chris creates artworks using the Japanese artform of Gyotaku. In this process, ink is applied directly to the scales of the subject which is transferred to paper or fabric which is pressed against every detail that defines the organism.

As closely as possible Chris follows the Takuseikai methodology which preserves the traditions of Gyotaku. This means artworks are created entirely by transferring ink from the subject to the printing medium, with hand painting only used to detail the eyes which are unable to be printed. In this sense each original artwork is a chance occurrence recording the creatures existence, a moment in time that cannot ever be replicated exactly.

Original Gyotaku Artworks

Featured Reproductions

Our artworks are meticulously reproduced on the highest quality papers and fabrics to make reproductions that are as close as possible to a real gyotaku artwork.